Thank you for visiting this recipe and cooking page. I hope you will be able to find one or more recipes that you truly enjoy! Sharing recipes is one way we can share and spread some love and connection to others. These recipes are made with pure ingredients infused with creativity and loving care. My prayer is that you will be blessed with some yummy dishes that are easy to prepare and that are very healing and nourishing to your body and soul.
If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with them. The people, who give you their food, give you their heart.
Rose and Shatavari Infused Hot Chocolate for Valentine's Day!
Here is a special infused hot chocolate recipe for you that has been infused with roses and shatavari...2 herbs that encourage love and devotion, as well as opening the heart. Enjoy this recipe for Valentine's Day or whenever you desire a special love letter for your heart, soul, and taste buds!
Making Homemade Goat Milk Ricotta Cheese
This recipe of homemade ricotta cheese is so easy and so delicious! Once you realize how easy and delicious it is, you will be making it regularly!
Elderberry Syrup Recipe
The Elder tree has many blessings to offer us with its beautiful lacy flowers in early spring and then its deep reddish-purple berries that appear in late summer. In old herbal folklore, the Elder tree was usually planted at the borders of gardens as protection. These trees/bushes can be found in meadows, hedgerows, forests, and gardens. Elderberries are a member of the honeysuckle family. They have traditionally been used for their medicinal benefits for many years. These little berries are packed with antioxidants and flavonoids. Elderberries are also high in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, potassium, and fiber. They also have anti-inflammatory, anti- viral, and anti-cancer properties. Elderberry Syrups has been used for many years for colds and flus, sinus congestion aid, gas and upset stomach relief, arthritic pain, and conjunctivitis. Research has shown that taking Elderberry tinctures or syrups can shorten flu duration by 2-3 days. This recipe gives you a chance to make your own potent syrup. It is easy and is much cheaper than purchasing it from a health food store. I also add Echinacea to my recipe for an even more powerful blend. Echinacea is a wonderful herb for immune system health, cleansing to the blood and skin, and has anti-cancer and anti-infective properties. Below, I give resources where you can purchase good quality products to make an immune boosting tonic for the winter months. The Echinacea is an alcohol free tincture so children can benefit from this as well.
Elderflower Ice Cream (Dairy and Refined Sugar Free)
I have many patients that have dietary restrictions due to food sensitivities/ allergies, or that are on a healing journey and need to be free from dairy, sugar, and other types of congesting foods during their healing and recovery. These dietary restrictions can be difficult, especially when you need to eliminate your favorite foods from your diet for a period of time. Having healthy alternatives like this icecream makes following these types of lifestyle changes much easier and more enjoyable! We are all born with a sweet tooth and something sweet and refreshing always tastes good. Make this easy, lovely, delicious, and guilt free ice cream in just a few minutes using just 3-4 ingredients.
Tigernut Flatbread and Herbed Butter
These flat breads are super easy to make...just several ingredients and herbs and spices if you desire. Tigernuts offer a safe and delicious option for those who are on a diet with restrictions due to food sensitivities/allergies. Tigernut flour is slightly sweet and nutty in flavor but are not actually nuts. They are tubers, like sweet potatoes, but smaller in size. They are high in nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants. I use this flour in place of gluten and/or other gluten free flours in recipes with excellent results.
Wild Fermented Floral Soda Champagne
These floral soda champagnes are so lovely, delicious, effervescent, and refreshing. They are full of probiotic content from the wild fermentation process of the flowers and berries you are using. I have had so much fun preparing these and being creative with many different edible flowers that are is season. These drinks would be beautiful to serve at a garden party or dinner for guests, as well as for yourself and family too. I believe you will love making these and please let me know which creations you come up with too!
For the Love of Lilacs
Lilacs are now in full bloom now in our area and I couldn’t be happier! From my earliest memories as a little girl, I distinctly remember the fragrance of sweet lilacs filling the air with such a sweet fragrance. I remember playing in my grandmother’s yard full of flowers and her lovely gardens and always loving the huge old-fashioned lilac bush that grew behind an old wooden outhouse. What a glorious sight and memory! We would pick a few bunches and hand the lovely bouquets to our dear mother. She would bury her nose deep into the scent and smile. Every time I see and smell lilacs now, the intoxicating scent takes me back to that place…a happy, safe, and magical place that I will cherish forever.
Nutritive Nettle and Potato Soup
This soup is so rich in minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. It is also slightly cleansing to the liver, lymph, and colon. This is a fantastic soup to eat anytime but especially in the springtime when our bodies are craving more greens and minerals after the winter months.
Liver and Lymph Burdock Ferment Recipe
Burdock Root (Arctium Lappa) is known as one of the best blood, lymph, and liver purifiers, burdock cleanses and eliminates impurities rapidly from the body. It is also excellent for skin conditions and diseases of all kinds. it has mucilaginous, alterative, tonic, diuretic, and diaphoretic properties. It enhances the body’s elimination process so that the toxins and waste products can be removed efficiently. This process gradually helps to restore proper function to the body, moving the body to a state of integration and health. Burdock is also abundant and rich in minerals.
The Wonders of Garlic Mustard- 3 Recipes Included
Do you have Garlic Mustard growing near you right now? We have it growing on our property and it appears to be growing everywhere right now in our neck of the woods. Garlic Mustard is one of those plants that grow abundantly and prolifically. Many people think of it as a pesky weed but this plant believe it or not is rich in nutrition and has many medicinal properties
A Dandy "Dandelion" Meal
Would you like to know more about the versatile ways to use dandelions in your backyard? Welcome to my kitchen as I get creative in a video creating a meal out of dandelion that is chock full of nutrients, liver and blood purifying, fun, and delicious! Who ever said "weeds" can't be beautiful??
Violet Tea, Violet Infused Vinegar, and Violet Sugar
Do you love violets like me? Their beautiful purple blooms springing forth in the spring carpets the ground in a glorious way! I love to go violet picking in the brings such joy to my soul! I use these sweet flowers in a variety of enjoy with food and to use medicinally. The violet, latin name: viola odorata, has demulcent (rich in mucilage and can soothe and protect irritated or inflamed internal tissue), alterative (Alteratives are herbs that gradually restore the proper function of the body and increase health and vitality), anti-inflammatory, and lymphagogoue (promote or increases lymph production or lymph flow) properties. Another name commonly found for violets is Johnny jump ups.
Wild Chickweed Pesto
Have you seen chickweed growing in your yard or around you? This herb is found mostly in the spring time growing wild just about anywhere, growing within a tangled mat. The flowers, leaves, and stems are all edible and one of the most defining components of this herb is the flower that looks like a star…5 groups of 2 petals, equaling 10 petals in total.
Nutritive Spring Herbal Vinegar Tonic
Vinegar is one of the oldest solvents used in herbal medicine. Vinegar has been used for its preventive and nutritive properties and when adding herbs to the solution, it greatly enhances the nutritive compounds. Vinegar herbal preparations are recommended to be taken over a long period of time for health maintenance, such as; tonic and vitamin mineral formulas. Today, we’re going to add dandelion, chickweed, and purple dead nettles to our vinegar to make a nutritive spring tonic.
Pickled Magnolia Blossoms
The taste of magnolia flowers is slightly sweet, floral, spicy, and exquisite! This recipe is exotic and exceptionally delicious. The taste reminds me of pickled ginger that you have with your sushi, but with an added floral note. I love the beautiful deep pink color that the magnolia blooms give the coconut vinegar….absolutely gorgeous!
Mullein Tea and Warming and Soothing Mullein Cough Syrup
For centuries mullein has been used as a healing plant. It has chiefly been used for lung problems. In fact Mullein was considered a very important herb for tuberculosis that plagued much of the population in its time. This wonderful plant is a very beneficial respiratory remedy! Mullein can be used for spastic coughs, bronchial congestion, chest colds, and any other type of respiratory health issues. The leaf can be rolled and smoked as a remedy for asthma and coughs.
Aromatic Kitchari
Kitchari is well known as Ayurveda’s perfect food. It is recommended to eat in times of recovery and to aid a digestive system that is stressed. Kitchari is a complete protein, full of fiber, and cleansing to the digestive tract. Kitchari is very easy to digest and is warming to the body. The pungent and aromatic herbs we will be using in this recipe are warming and are indicated in cold and damp conditions. Kitchari uses mung beans as one of its main recipe components because they are the easiest bean to digest. One of the herbs I am adding into this recipe is called Asafoetida, also called hing. This spice is known for its sharp and heating properties. Hing assists in digestion, soothes spasms, prevents and expels gas, and its pungency stimulates the body to increase blood flow and gastric juices to the intestines, which significantly improves digestion.
Adaptogen Vitality Balls
These Adaptogen Energy Balls are loaded with nutrition and herbs powders to support your adrenals, immune system, hormones, and vitality levels. I wrote an article several months ago on Adaptogens describing how important this class of herbs are for maintaining wellness and for aiding our bodies during stressful times
Four Thieves Vinegar
Here is yet another potent recipe for a Four Thieves Vinegar recipe that also has a similar history as the Thieves essential oil blend. I found this recipe in one of my favorite old herbal medicine books Again, this vinegar recipe was used during the bubonic plague era and this specific recipe was used by the “thieves” who were ransacking empty plague ridden homes, stealing valuables
Rose Chocolate Love Hearts
These delicious rose chocolate hearts are yummy and beautiful to the eye and soul!
Wild Hawthorn and Rose Healing Heart Elixir
This is a lovely heart healing and restoring recipe made with roses and hawthorn berries. This elixir is simple to make, has minimal ingredients, and tastes delicious! May it open and restore your beautiful heart!
Elderberry Gummies
Here is a fun recipe to make with elderberry syrup! There’s so much buzz right now about this immune building herb berry and rightly so! Elderberry syrup, as you know is very helpful for the immune system and is a wonderful prevention aid in flu and cold prevention.
Circulatory and Immune Boosting Tea Recipe
I’ve been making this tea concoction the last few weeks since cold and flu season hit the area. This tea has many medicinal components in it. The ginger and cayenne are both stimulating to the circulatory system and also very warming to the body, which is helpful to our bodies in the wintry cold weather. Cayenne and ginger are both wonderful for warding off colds and other illnesses. They are also carminatives, like the cardamom that we will also use in this special tea. Carminative herbs reduce the production of gas in the intestinal tract and support the movement of material through the digestive system, aiding in digestion and absorption.
Pine Needle Tea
With January being National Hot Tea Month, I thought it may be helpful to give you a few easy to make medicinal tea recipes. The first one, being very easy indeed, is made from pine needles. We are blessed to have 2 large white pine trees in our backyard and I’ve been making tea from the needles for several weeks now. It is a very mild tasting tea with subtle hints of the forest and a finishing taste of light citrus. The pine tree has so much history for being used in herbal medicine making.
Fig, Fennel, and Thyme Soothing Cough Syrup Recipe
With the flu season upon our area now, I wanted to get a simple effective cough syrup recipe out to all of you. As you know, with the flu, there is always a harsh sounding cough that goes along with it. This recipe is delicious and very helpful to soothe an irritable cough. All the ingredients have a specific purpose for combatting a cough and with the addition of the herbs, lemon juice, and honey, it also has potent anti-microbial properties to ward off infection.
Winter Forestry Medicinal Recipe
Herbal medicine is a fascinating and rewarding branch of natural healing…I am so thankful to be able to share some of this wisdom with you. I look forward to bring you more herbal recipes in the future as well. Making herbal medicine is fairly easy, you just need the ingredients, knowledge, and some patience. The most rewarding part for me is to witness how what you made with your own hands and heart is healing someone else and you as well. Just making something out of love and for healing purposes for someone gives your herbal medicinals a healing energy and vibration on its own.
Lavender Chaga Brownies
This is a lovely and delicious recipe to go along with our series on stress management. This unique medicinal and yummy recipe helps to boost your immune function and calm your adrenals, which are our stress glands.
Beiler's Broth (A Healing and Restorative Recipe)
I have been giving this recipe out for many years as a Naturopath. Beiler broth was developed by a physician named Henry Beiler as a medicinal soup for those in need of healing and restoration. The vegetables used in this soup are naturally high in sodium, which are very healing to our sodium loving adrenals, which suffer when we are under constant stress. It is a nourishing and soothing broth-based soup and fairly easy to make. The ingredients also aid in detoxification and acid/alkaline balance of the body. This is a great soup to eat when your digestive system has been overworked or you need something easy to digest. It’s wonderful to eat this for several days after holidays, when we typically overeat, to give our digestive systems a rest.
Chicken Liver Pate
Organ meats, especially liver, is one of the most nutrient dense sources of minerals and vitamins, especially B vitamins. B vitamins usually become depleted in our body when we are under chronic stress. This is a delicious and nourishing recipe for restoring our adrenals and overall health.
Hearty Vegetable Soup Recipe (Made with Love)
This vegetable soup recipe is from my dear mother…I grew up eating this delicious soup since childhood. My sweet mother taught me so many things in my life and cooking is one I will be thankful for my entire life. I cannot thank her enough for such a gift as this! Every time I make this soup, it takes me back to these early days of my childhood and remembering our garden at home with all the vegetables that grew in it. Our garden seemed like a mile long and wide when I was a little girl. I would walk out barefoot and help to pick peas, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and so many more. The peas always tasted so yummy right from the pods!
Delicious and Decadent Chocolate Mousse Recipe
I love chocolate and creamy, sweet desserts…how about you? This is a decadent dessert pudding you can feel good about indulging in! It has healthy fats, nutrients, and the rich antioxidant effects of cacao. I love to eat this as is or top with fresh strawberries or blueberries..YUM!!!
Homemade Traditional Chai (with a few twists)
When my husband, David first went to India in 2007, he was introduced to authentic chai. Chai is a traditional and staple drink in India. Like teatime in England, so is chai time in India. Needless to say, my husband came home from that first trip and started making this delicious recipe. He now drinks it every day. I love it too and while he makes his with raw milk, I prefer mine with coconut milk. Either way this recipe is delicious, spicy, yet soothing, and delightful. Once you drink this authentic recipe, you will not want to go back to store-bought or chain restaurant style chai.
Date Cardamom Energy Balls and Dates with Anise
I have always had a true love and a sweet spot in my life and belly for dates:) I remember when I was a little girl, I would sit outside with my dear neighbor lady, who was in her eighties, and she would share her dates with me. I can still vividly remember this in my mind, sitting there together, outside on sunny days sharing sugary dates. What sweet memories! From that time on, I have always loved them and there is always a bag of them in our refrigerator. When I have a sweet craving, I reach for a date and I usually put almond butter in the middle or make yummy recipes from them, like these that I’ll be sharing with you today.
Antimicrobial Carpet Freshener Powder
Use this simple but effective carpet powder to freshen and sanitize your carpets when needed. Make sure you use this powder only when your carpets are dry. If they are wet, the baking soda may stick and cause a pasty mess making it difficult to vacuum the carpet powder. Leave this powder on your carpet for 12 hours or more and then vacuum for the most effective cleansing and deodorizing abilities. Apply before bed and vacuum in morning. Your home will smell fresh and clean!
Silky and Herbal Body Powder Recipe
This natural body powder is fragrant and has a luxurious silky feeling to your skin. It is moisturizing, gently absorbent, and wonderful even for the most sensitive skin. Use this as a replacement to commercial body powders that usually have talcum powder or talc in them. Research has shown that talc can be linked to certain cancers. This powder makes a lovely gift to yourself or someone you love!
Homemade Lemon Dishwasher Pods and Rinse Aid Recipes
These dishwasher pods are very easy to make and let me tell you, they do a great job cleaning your dishes! Chemical free dishwasher pods at Whole Foods or the health food store are quite costly… about $5-8 for 1 bag of 20. You can make more than 5 times that amount for the same cost by making this recipe.
Leave In Moisturizing Conditioner Recipe
This leave in conditioner is super easy to make and is very moisturizing to your hair. I hope you love it like I do!
Coconut Moisturizing Shampoo Recipe
This is a light moisturizing shampoo that gently cleanses the hair and best part it is completely chemical free! Most shampoos today are loaded with chemicals, parabens, sulfates, and phthalates. I wanted to give you a shampoo recipe you could feel good about using and inexpensive to make.
Healing Aloe Cream Recipe
This Aloe Cream recipe is healing, cooling, and nourishing to your skin. It is very simple to make and you will love the results when it’s all finished. This has become one of my favorite lotion recipes because it Is so soothing for any skin condition and the texture is absolutely lovely. I have even used it as a deep conditioning treatment for my hair. You can put any essential oils in this recipe that you like but I’m using lavender and peppermint for additional cooling and healing properties
Pumpkin Spice Energy Drink
This is a comforting, creamy drink to celebrate the first day of autumn! Most people love pumpkin spice recipes...including myself! It's that perfect time of year to be enjoying this wonderful spice blend that is not only scrumptious but also has many antioxidant protective factors that come along with all the different spices that make up "pumpkin spice." This is a yummy and healthy energizing drink to enjoy as a pick me up, adrenal aid, and rejuvenator! I hope you love it like I do :)
Pumpkin Spice Beeswax Candle Recipe and Pumpkin Spice Room Spray Recipe
These homemade beeswax candles are super easy to make and are much healthier and cheaper than buying most commercial name brand candles. I purchase my beeswax at a local farm that charges 75 cents per ounce. Also, if you know a local beekeeper, you can usually purchase beeswax for much cheaper.
Refreshing and Natural Whitening Mouthwash Recipe
I purchased a natural mouthwash several months ago that I absolutely loved and thought I could figure out how to make my own recipe version. I believe it has been a success and is now included in my daily dental care routine.
Thieves Oil Blend Natural Toothpaste Recipe
I love this homemade toothpaste recipe! It cleans your teeth well and it is anti-bacterial with the Thieves essential oil blend and the xylitol added. Xylitol has been shown to eradicate harmful bacteria in the mouth, which helps to prevent plaque build- up and tooth decay. This toothpaste also helps to prevent cavities and inflammatory gum disease.
All Natural Shaving Cream Recipe
This is a simple and creamy shaving cream recipe that works great for men and women’s shaving needs. Commercial shaving creams and gels are loaded with harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances, and preservatives, of course all the things we do not want to be putting on our skin. The ingredients in this cream are moisturizing and healing to the skin. It is also very refreshing and awakening to the skin with the peppermint and rosemary essential oils added, just keep it away from your eyes!
Acne/Blemish Relief Toner Recipe
This acne relief toner is very healing, calming, and soothing to irritated and inflamed skin, such as acne breakouts and other inflamed rashes. It’s super easy to make with only 3 ingredients needed, plus a glass bottle for storage. Use it after the Skin Calming/Soothing Mask or on its own to nourish and protect your skin.
Skin Calming/Soothing Mask (great for acne or irritated/inflamed skin)
This mask can be applied to the face or anywhere on the body where there is redness, irritation, itching, and inflammation. The ingredients are healing, cooling, soothing, calming, and anti-inflammatory. The green clay helps to absorb toxins and impurities in the skin and exfoliates the dead skin cells away from the troubled areas.
Easy Soft Scrub Cleanser Recipe
This all- natural soft scrub recipe consists of only 3 ingredients (4 ingredients if you add essential oils) and it works extremely well. You can use this to replace the commercial brand soft scrub that has many unpleasant and toxic ingredients
All Natural Liquid Laundry Detergent Recipe
Here is a recipe for an easy but very effective chemical free liquid laundry detergent. Why is a natural laundry detergent needed? Did you ever think about the clothes we wear every day and the sheets we sleep in every night and what is touching our skin 24 hours a day/7 day a week?
"Thieves" DIY All Natural Cleaner Spray Recipe
This is a wonderful all natural cleaner spray with great cleaning capabilities as well anti-microbial and anti-infection cleaning power! It is made with DIY Thieves essential oil blend...find the recipe for the blend in the "Recipes" section. Use this to clean and disinfect your home or office and to replace toxic commercial cleaners you may have in your house.
"Thieves" DIY Essential Oil Blend
Thieves essential oil blend has been one of my all-time favorite blends over the last 20 years! I love the medicinal anti-microbial qualities of this blend and absolutely love the way it smells. I was so excited when I found a recipe how to make my own blend and wanted to share it with you too. Let me give you some background on this interesting oil blend and the history how it got the famous name “Thieves.”
Fresh Linen Spray
This linen spray has a lovely and fresh scent. You can spray it on your linens to refresh them before going to bed or to freshen up the sheets or bed when someone isn’t feeling well. This spray can also be used to freshen up a room. The essential oils used in this linen spray are refreshing, cleansing, and also comforting, calming, and relaxing. The best part it is 100% natural and pure!
Refreshing Shower Gel
This shower gel recipe is refreshing with the peppermint, cleansing and calming with the lavender, and uplifting with the bergamot. It always fills your skin and the shower or bath with a lovely, fresh scent. I love this shower gel because it is chemical free and it has an uplifting aroma. The base is made from 100% Castile soap and the jojoba, vitamin E oil, and vegetable glycerin help to moisturize and nourish the skin.
Natural Anti-Microbial Hand Sanitizer Recipe
The first recipe I’m going to share with you is a homemade natural hand sanitizer. Of course, nothing ever takes the place of a good hand washing with soap and water but when you don’t have access to this, a good natural hand wash is a good choice. Most store bought and commercial hand sanitizers have toxic chemicals that are endocrine disruptors, which can cause hormone imbalances and other health problems. They are also very drying to the skin. This recipe is so easy and it’s non-toxic! You can put this in a pump bottle for the office or home or fill a small clean empty container for your purse or car. You can also put a little container in your child’s back pack for school.
Gluten Free/Autoimmune Diet Friendly Chapati Bread Recipe
This is a very easy and yummy recipe to make if you are on a gluten free diet or an AIP diet (autoimmune paleo diet). These chapatis remind me of a soft naan bread and I often make them when we make Indian or Middle Eastern dishes. My dear sister Luanne gets the credit for finding me this recipe. It is from the website: by Bethany Darwin. I hope you enjoy these as much as our family has!
Digestive Bitters Aid
Digestive Bitters stimulate digestion. They also help to stimulate the liver and pancreas to assist with the digestive process Digestive bitters are made from herbs and plants that have a sharp and pungent taste and smell. When these bitter herbs touch the tongue, our digestive system is stimulated to start secreting digestive juices and. Bitter herbs also act as a prokinetic and stimulate the smooth muscle of the stomach to increase the rate of stomach emptying, which also helps to prevent vomiting and excess belching. Digestive bitter herbs help to promote health bowel activity and regularity, preventing constipation.
Christmas Savory Salad
This is a delicious and very colorful salad that looks beautiful and elegant on a holiday table! It’s also full of nutritious and healthy ingredients that are high in antioxidants. The colors are lovely with the rustic hunter green from the Lacinato Kale and the sparkling ruby red color from the juicy pomegranates. Your guests will be asking for seconds and even your pickiest eaters will enjoy this nutrient dense salad!
Kimchi (Korean Sauerkraut)
(recipe from Nourishing Traditions) Kimchi is a blend of vegetables, herbs, and spices that are blended together to make a ferment. The finished product is slightly spicy and has a delicious flavor combination of all the ingredients. This is a fermented food that is typically found in Asian/Korean cuisine but now can be found prepared in most health food stores or Whole Food Markets. Kimchi is very rich in probiotics and aids with the digestive process if eating with a meal. For best results, eat a golf ball size to ½ cup with a meal daily. Enjoy! Jeulgida (Enjoy spelled out in Korean)
Fermented Coconut Meat/ Cream Kefir
This recipe is a delicious and nutritious way to use the meat inside the young coconuts, that is, if you’re making the coconut water kefir recipe included on this blog. This fermented coconut milk kefir is very high in a broad range of healthy flora and will help to reinoculate the intestinal tract with good bacteria. This yummy creamy goodness tastes a little like a coconut yogurt or thick fermented cream. You can use it in smoothies, just to drink, add as a dairy free cream or yogurt alternative to recipes. You can also take the finished product and strain it through cheesecloth for 12 hours to make a dairy free soft cheese. I like to add a little bit of whole leaf stevia liquid to a cup and make a sweetened version of coconut yogurt with fresh berries on top. Delish!
Coconut Water Kefir Recipe
This recipe is a power packed nutritive and fermented drink. This drink aids in the repopulation of healthy flora in the GI tract. It is one of my favorite fermented food choices for restoring and healing a compromised system. When this drink is ready, it has a slightly fresh effervescent taste and is very refreshing. It is also a dairy free option for those that are sensitive. Coconut Water Kefir can help stop cravings for sugar and sweets, aids in the digestion of all foods, tones and cleanses the digestive system and liver, eases aches and pains, clears up skin problems, like skin tags and moles, etc..., improves vision, makes hair, skin, and nails healthier because of it's high mineral content (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and natural sodium), and cleanses the endocrine system (adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, and ovaries). Enjoy!
Shamrock Shakes (healthy version) for St. Patrick's Day
One of my favorite memories of St. Patrick’s Day when I was little was going to McDonald’s and getting a Shamrock shake every year, a tradition. Can you believe it? Yes, this is the truth! I admit it! In fact, the only time my little ones ever went to McDonald’s in their life was to celebrate this happy day with a Shamrock shake. After doing a bit of research we found that a medium size Shamrock shake at McDonald’s has 19 tsp of sugar and 54 different ingredients, including high fructose corn syrup, artificial colorings and flavorings. Let’s celebrate this happy day with a healthy “Shamrock” shake that is just as yummy and only has 6 ingredients…not 54!
FLAX SEED MUFFINS (Grain free, Paleo, and Fiber Rich)
Flax seeds are rich in something called lignans. Lignans, a type of phytoestrogen, can support the body in producing less active forms of estrogen. This process has been found to reduce breast cancer risk. Research has shown that adding ground flax into the diet can decrease cancer cell growth in breast tissue. Flax lignans protect against breast cancer by binding up and removing circulating hormones and carcinogens that can promote disease and inflammation. The fiber in the flax seeds bind with these harmful carcinogens and assist in pulling these agents out of the body. These muffins are loaded with flax seeds and lignans. Each muffin gives you almost 3 TBSP of ground flax. The researched breast cancer prevention and breast cancer studies encourage about 3 TBSP daily to provide the most healing benefits of flax.
Homemade Deodorant
This homemade deodorant recipe is easy and takes only a few ingredients. It is all natural and works great! Using an all-natural, chemical free deodorant allows your underarms to still sweat but neutralizes the bacteria that causes odor. Your body and underarms are meant to sweat to remove toxins from your body. Using antiperspirants and commercial deodorants prevent your underarms from sweating, which prevents toxic materials from leaving your body. This is especially important for breast health because much of our breast lymph drains into our armpits to be removed by our sweat. If we are preventing this drainage process, then we can clog and congest our breast tissue. Also, our breast tissue is made up of a large percentage of fatty tissue and toxins have an affinity for getting stuck in our fat. It is a very important step in our health journey to stop using commercial beauty and body care products and to replace them with natural products that are free of parabens, potassium aluminum sulfates, alum, phthalates, petroleum, sodium laurel sulfate, and fragrances. These ingredients are chemical based and congest the body and lymph system, preventing the body from proper detox and drainage.
Quail and Rose Petal Sauce
This recipe is adapted from the movie “Like Water for Chocolate.” This movie is a beautiful but sad love story and is one of my favorites. It is a foreign film with Spanish subtitles. This movie depicts so well how our own emotions during cooking can affect the recipients who eat the food we are making for them…any emotion, either negative or positive can be infused into our meals and affect the vibration of the food we are creating for others. This is clearly shown in the movie when a young, sweet girl named Tita creates this gorgeous and exotic creation for a man, Pedro, whom she is deeply in love with, but cannot be with. The love and care she infuses into her “quail and rose petal sauce” affects everyone at the table, in an erotic and sensual nature. This is an absolutely stunning, lovely, and unique combination and creation that is sure to please and impress any guest you are serving. My prayer is that you infuse it with your own love to bless whoever you are feeding! BON APPETIT!
Rose and Maca Cacao Chocolates
This is a unique and stunning recipe for that special someone on a special occasion. You can also make these little candies to celebrate yourself, too. These chocolates are made with pure ingredients, hormone balancing herbs, and of course, lots of Love! These candies are made with Maca Root, which is a Peruvian herb that is used for promoting fertility and hormone balancing properties in men and women. Maca is also used for boosting energy, supporting our adrenal glands, and enhancing our mood. Rose is also infused into these candies for an added elegant touch and a light floral infusion…I call it a Love infusion. These chocolates are delicious, creamy, and decadent…and Beautiful! Enjoy the Love!
Ancient Ginger and Garlic Soup
ANCIENT GINGER AND GARLIC SOUP This is a delicious soup recipe that has a high amount of medicinal value. We like to call it “medicine in a bowl.” Eat it when you have symptoms of a cold, flu, excess mucus, sinus infection, or just feeling under the weather. It’s also a wonderful soup to eat to boost the immune system in prevention of illness. This soup will be a health promoting friend to you through the entire winter season. BON APPETIT!
Immune Boosting Soup
This soup is infused with many immune boosting and liver supporting foods, such as garlic, onions, bone broth, and cabbage. This soup tastes so good when you’re well and nourishing and healing when you’re feeling under the weather. I hope you enjoy this recipe as we have many times in our home!
Cauliflower/Garlic Mash
This is a wonderful alternative (low carbohydrate option) to mashed potatoes. It’s very easy to make and creamy and delicious…just like mashed potatoes! Mmmmmm!!
Poached Pears
A delicious and healthy dessert recipe that is easy to make. This dish is lovely tasting and pleasing to the eyes. Enjoy!
Purple Saurkraut
Lacto fermented foods have been made for centuries all over the country. Fermented foods are a wonderful way to incorporate healthy flora into your digestive system. Eating a small amount of these fermented foods at mealtimes aids digestion and promotes bowel regularity. One serving of a lacto fermented food can have more flora than an entire bottle of probiotics. If you would like to have more information on this topic, here is a link from Weston A Price Foundation. This is a recipe from Nourishing Traditions cookbook by Sally Fallon. I’ve been making this for several years with much success. It’s very easy and only takes 3 ingredients. The recipe from Nourishing Traditions calls for green cabbage but I’m recommending purple cabbage to celebrate the color purple. Either cabbage is fine to use though.
Fruit and Nut Fudge
I remember loving a Cadbury fruit and nut bar as a little girl. I would always ask my mother if I could get one at the grocery store check out. It was sweet, creamy, fruity, had a perfect crunch, and so delicious! This fudge recipe reminds me of that candy bar but has many more health advantages. It only has 5 ingredients and 4 of those ingredients are super foods for brain health (walnuts, cacao, blueberries, and coconut oil). This fudge is super easy, creamy, antioxidant rich, and super yummy! It also takes about 5 minutes to make… how wonderful is that??
Lavender Anti-Inflammatory Balm
This is a lovely topical formula for brain health and balance. It is anti-inflammatory, clearing, calming, refreshing, and uplifting. You can also apply it to your temples or back of neck area for brain fog. This is an easy to make and very effective remedy for headaches. It’s made with 4 different essential oils that are known for their anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties. The base is coconut oil that will turn into a solid balm at room temperature. You can apply this balm wherever you have your headache…temples, back of neck, eyebrow area, or side of head that is affected. Please keep away from eyes. Wash your hands well before touching your eyes after applying this balm to prevent irritation. You can also apply this balm to other areas of the body that have discomfort, such as backache, achy joints, sore muscles, and neck tension.
Bluberry Chia Pudding
This recipe incorporates the rich antioxidant blueberry and the high fiber chia seed into a delicious and creamy pudding. It’s easy to make and is a gluten and dairy free dessert option. I actually make this for breakfast sometimes too. This combination reminds me of tapioca pudding with some extra goodies…yummy!
Miso Soup
Miso soup is a light, comforting, and nourishing broth. This soothing soup is made with organic bits of tofu, Kombu seaweed, and Miso paste. Miso is a savory paste made from fermented soybeans that have been in the Japanese diet for thousands of years. Miso has many health benefits, especially for the digestive system. Since it is a fermented product, it is rich in probiotic content, adding healthy flora to the digestive tract and boosting immune function. Miso is also rich in antioxidants, minerals, plant proteins, and vitamins. This soup is also rich in iodine with the addition of seaweed. Iodine is a critical mineral needed for healthy thyroid function and overall health. I also added some green veggies into this recipe for a higher nutrient rich soup. This recipe also includes dashi, which is usually known as bonito flakes. Dashi is the basic stock used for Japanese cooking. It is generally considered a fish stock and it is what gives that authentic Japanese flavor in recipes. I have included a link where to purchase the Dashi. *If you are a vegetarian or vegan, you may omit this ingredient. *Also, I give several links where you can purchase high quality ingredients for this soup but you may also get them from a local Asian store too.
Heirloom Quinoa With Dill Pesto
HEIRLOOM QUINOA WITH DILL PESTO Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is known as the “mother of all grains.” This grain is super high in protein- 1 cup cooked quinoa offers 8.14 gm of protein. Quinoa is rich in amino acid content and is a vitamin and mineral powerhouse. It is rich in fiber and is naturally gluten free. You can use regular quinoa for this recipe too, but I chose heirloom to incorporate all the pretty colors of this grain (red, black , and white varieties). This recipe is enhanced with fresh dill and garlic, making it a savory and flavorful blend. I love using dill in recipes! It adds such a robust and aromatic flavor to your dishes. Dill is also a natural digestive aid and has anti-microbial properties, not to mention, delicious! Enjoy this nutrient rich, very tasty and colorful dish! The freshness and fragrant taste of this combo is delightful!
Rainbow Kale Salad
This is a recipe that is very fresh, healthy, and delicious too! It is very colorful with the green, red, and orange veggies. My dear friend Chrissy made this for a lovely lunch several years ago. I loved it so much that I’ve been making it ever since that first tasty bite! This recipe is wonderful for the heart because of the dark leafy greens and also cleansing to the liver. Kale and fresh lemon juice are liver detoxifiers and digestive aids. Enjoy this yummy salad as a meal or a side dish. Your body will thank you for the love!
Cream of Broccoli Soup
CREAM OF BROCCOLI SOUP This was one of my favorite soups when I was growing up. I always loved the creaminess, warmth, and delicious blend of flavors. I have tweaked the recipe a bit to make a healthier version. Also, I give dairy alternatives if you are dairy sensitive, (and it is still delicious)! Broccoli is chock full of healing compounds. It is rich in minerals, vitamins, and powerful antioxidants. It’s in the cruciferous vegetable family (high in sulfur compounds) making it a potent liver detoxifier and digestive aid. Broccoli helps to protect the cells and has potent anti-cancer properties. It is an immune booster and free radical scavenger. With all of these health benefits, make sure you eat more of this lovely green vegetable more often!
Homemade Almond Milk
Making your own almond milk is easy and the result is very delicious! I love the taste and find myself drinking it when I’m craving something sweet and creamy. This is a wonderful and healthy milk alternative, especially for recipes calling for dairy milk. It has a very neutral taste, unlike some other alternative milks, like coconut. Almonds are a rich source of minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and copper. They are also high in certain vitamins, like Vitamin E and B vitamins. Almonds are also high in protein and fiber content and are potent antioxidants. Soaking almonds in water for 8 hours or overnight helps to digest theses nutritional powerhouses even more. Soaking the nuts breaks down the enzyme inhibitor coating around them.
Savory Spaghetti Squash With Sauteed Veggies
SAVORY SPAGHETTI SQUASH WITH SAUTEED VEGGIES I love using spaghetti squash with all kinds of recipes! I remember the first time that I baked this very intriguing vegetable and feeling fascinated with how much it resembled spaghetti. Spaghetti squash is a healthy, nutritious, delicious, guilt and gluten free alternative to pasta. This recipe tells you how to bake this fascinating veggie and how to make a colorful, flavorful, and delicious topping. BON APPETIT!
Tropical Pina Coladas
TROPICAL PINA COLADA You might want to dream about sitting on a warm beach in the tropics when you take a sip of this refreshing and creamy beverage. This is a revitalizing and healthy version of a Pina Colada drink. It is the consistency of a thick smoothie and it is oh so yummy! Pineapples are a delicious and juicy fruit that have many medicinal benefits. They aid the digestive system (perfect for this week’s color yellow and supporting the digestive fire), they boost the immune system, reduce inflammation- because of an enzyme present in them called bromelain, and improve bone health because of their high calcium and manganese content. With all of these health benefits of this fantastic fruit, I hope you enjoy this drink to the fullest! Your body and belly will thank you for it!
Summer Corn and Cilantro Salad
Summer Corn and Cilantro Salad This is a refreshing and tasty salad. The flavors mingle well and it is an appealing combination of colors. Enjoy this salad in the summer when the sweet corn is plentiful or in any season, using frozen thawed corn. It is a nice and flavorful addition to any meal.
Panang Thai Curry
PANANG THAI CURRY This recipe is creamy, flavorful, and a perfect amount of personality and spiciness! We love a certain little Thai curry restaurant near us and this is my favorite dish to order. It is one of those meals where your taste buds are in a trance from the yumminess! I have adapted my own version here that is healthy and just as delicious. I hope you have a similar experience of enjoyment and mouthwatering pleasure!
Autumn Spiced Sweet Potato Bisque
This is one of my all time favorite soups! It has a bit of spice and warmth, plus a nice creaminess with the coconut and it all feels so good going down. It is a wonderful soup to make in the autumn with the beautiful orange color and the rich warming spices. This is a very thick soup, hence the bisque title. Also, this recipe has so many healthy ingredients in it and is boosted with anti-inflammatory spices making it not only delicious but very healing as well. Enjoy the nourishing qualities and the lovely blended flavors!
Mango Lassi Recipe (Dairy Free)
MANGO LASSI I love the creaminess, sweetness, and richness of mango lassis! They are a famous drink offered at most Indian restaurants. The original recipe is usually made with white sugar and dairy yogurt. I have adapted a version here that is dairy free and sweetened with a bit of natural sweetener. In India, mangoes are the national fruit and symbolize life. They are high in mineral content, as well as iron, as they have been they deemed a helpful fruit for those with anemia. They are also an anti-aging food. They aid in digestive support and especially good for those with weak digestion. I knew I had to add a recipe with mangoes into the Orange color theme week, as they are a favorite among many people, not to mention exotic, juicy, and delicious! Enjoy this drink when you need something sweet, satisfying, and refreshing. It is a very nourishing and nutritious drink. May it bless your body and soul!
Eggplant and/or Baked Chicken with Buttermilk Sauce and Pomegranate
Baked Chicken Legs or Roasted Eggplant with Buttermilk Sauce and Pomegranate This is one of my favorite recipes because of the amazing taste, rich flavor, and an elegant final touch of vibrant red that makes it so rustically appealing to the eye! I have slightly changed this recipe from its original version because of the ingredient of buttermilk. I changed the buttermilk to using coconut yogurt instead for those who are dairy sensitive. This recipe was on the front cover of a gorgeous cookbook that my dear sister, Donna, gave me for a gift several years ago. When I saw the gorgeous picture of it on the front cover, I immediately knew that it would be a favorite of mine and it definitely has and will always be! The cookbook is called “Plenty” and the author is Yotam Ottolenghi, in case you are in the mood for some more lovely and mouthwatering recipes. His recipe is using only eggplant but you can also make this sauce for baked chicken or turkey legs, all equally delicious! I do include a recipe for coconut yogurt if you wish to use this instead of the buttermilk. Also, you can usually purchase plain coconut yogurt in a health food store if you would rather not make your own.
Red Lentil Coconut Curry Stew
RED CURRY COCONUT STEW This is a lovely recipe that feels like home when you eat it, with its creaminess and comforting qualities. It is high in protein with the red lentils and the added tofu. I make this dish when I’m pressed for time because start to finish and to the table, it typically takes about ½ hour to 40 minutes. This is a wonderful “red” meal for the root chakra because of its grounding and nourishing effects. Did I mention that it’s also very delicious? This recipe is dedicated to my dear friend Denise and to all of you dear souls! May it nourish and sustain you!
Red Ruby Fruit Salad
RED RUBY FRUIT SALAD Each delicious bite of this vibrant red fruit salad drips with magnificence! The blend of all the different shades of red fruits makes it so beautiful and ruby rich. The tiny pieces of pomegranate “jewels” make each bite a crunchy burst full of sweetness, juiciness, and loveliness! A zest of lemon and fresh mint is added for a hint of extra flare and to blend the flavors together. This beautiful salad is also rich in health benefits and beaming with antioxidants and polyphenols. Each bite of this salad supplies a powerful boost to your immune system and adds a smile to your heart! This would look stunning served with Thanksgiving, Christmas, holiday party, or add a vibrancy to any table. *Try to use organic ingredients for this salad, especially the berries and grapes. These items are on the dirty dozen list for ranking high on pesticide residues. Check out my blog article “Dirty Dozen” for more information.
Bone Broth
Bone broth is a wonderful base to your soups, stews, and other recipes. It adds a flavorful, rich, and tasty flavor, as well being extremely beneficial to your health.
Fresh juices break down diseased tissues in the body and clean out old debris from cells and tissues that are lacking oxygen and vitality. It then restores new cells to a vibrant and oxygen rich state. Fresh juice also assists in proper drainage of the cleansing organs, including the liver, colon, and kidneys. It also helps in cleansing the bloodstream, lymph, and skin.
Ojas (Energy) Builder
What is Ojas? Ojas is an Ayurvedic word to describe long life, health, immunity, vigor, strength, and harmonic balance within the body. Ayurveda is based on one of the oldest holistic healing systems in the world. It is based on the belief that true health depends on a harmonic balance of the mind, body, and spirit.
Super Tonic / Master Tonic
This is a wonderful and potent old fashioned tonic recipe to help ward off anything from the common cold to supporting and boosting your immune system! Once you taste the finished results you will understand the potency of this formula. You will understand why it is such a powerful master tonic, after reading all the health benefits of the ingredients used.
Ghee Recipe
Ghee is one of my favorite fats to use for cooking, sautéing, and roasting! It definitely enhances the flavors of whatever you’re cooking with, such as meat, vegetables, or starches. It gives food a rich, delicious, nutty, and mouthwatering taste.
Lemon Water
Drinking fresh lemon water first thing in the morning helps to start the process of detoxification for the day, assists the liver in draining properly, and helps to balance our body ph to a more alkaline state.
Red Beet Salad
This recipe is a wonderful way to incorporate a delicious salad that has powerful liver cleansing properties! Eat ½ cup (or more if desired) daily with meals to aid in liver detoxification. This beet recipe is a mini gallbladder-liver flush that keeps the bile moving and aids in healthy bowel activity.
Cilantro-Mint Chutney/Pesto
This recipe below is a delicious recipe using cilantro. Cilantro has been shown to bind with mercury and other heavy metals and pull them out of the body, usually through the urine and stool.