Chicken Liver Pate

Organ meats, especially liver, is one of the most nutrient dense sources of minerals and vitamins, especially B vitamins. B vitamins usually become depleted in our body when we are under chronic stress. This is a delicious and nourishing recipe for restoring our adrenals and overall health.


½  lb chicken livers (thawed if frozen and well-trimmed)

1 shallot (sliced thin)

1 garlic clove (minced)

1/4 cup fresh parsley (chopped fine)

½ tsp sage

¼ tsp thyme

1 bay leaf

3-4 TBSP ghee

½ cup water or bone broth

Salt and pepper to taste

In a medium saucepan, melt ghee and add chicken livers, shallot, garlic, herbs and spices, and water or broth and bring to a simmer. Cover, reduce heat, and cook, stirring occasionally, or until livers are pink inside (about 3-4 minutes). Remove from heat, cover, and let stand for 5 minutes.

Remove bay leaf and with a slotted spoon, transfer ingredients to a food processor and process until coarsely ground or pureed. Add salt and pepper to taste. Keep refrigerated and serve with gluten free toasted bread or crackers.

Update:Helpful Food Choices For Stress and Adrenal Health
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