Welcome to Beautiful Healing Journey Updates Blog. The articles shared with you here are informational pieces on nutrition, healthy living, detoxification, and inspirations shared from my heart to yours. I pray that you will be educated with helpful information and encouraged and inspired to apply it to your own personal healing journey.
The only journey is the one within.
Liver Gallbladder Flush Masterclass
Join me for an informative and interactive class where we will discuss how to do a Liver Gallbladder Flush. This flush process is easy and painless but it does require proper steps to do it safely and effectively. During the in person class, I will teach you how to do a liver/gallbladder flush, how to prepare for one, and what kind of tools you will need to prepare. I will also give you recipes for the flush and answer your questions. We will also do a supportive zoom online class the day of the flush and another one the morning after the flush. This is a way we can all support each other in the process and to answer questions or concerns during the journey. I hope you'll join us.
Current Health Situation and Support Strategies
Here are a few very helpful strategies that are available to you with the current health situation (COVID).
Rose and Shatavari Infused Hot Chocolate for Valentine's Day!
Here is a special infused hot chocolate recipe for you that has been infused with roses and shatavari...2 herbs that encourage love and devotion, as well as opening the heart. Enjoy this recipe for Valentine's Day or whenever you desire a special love letter for your heart, soul, and taste buds!
Healing on a Cancer Journey
I was blessed to be interviewed by Bailey O'Brien several weeks ago about healing on a cancer journey. Bailey O'Brien is almost a 10 year survivor of Stage 4 Melanoma! She is a true inspiration in so many ways! To find out more about her and to listen to our interview, please click the link to take you to the page. I pray you are blessed!
Count Your Many Blessings
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you on this beautiful and blessed day! I know this past year of 2020 has been a challenging one for many ups, downs, and times of testings and trials. Through all of it though, there have been many life lessons learned and new wisdom gained. Even through these hard and challenging times, we still have so many blessings to be thankful for.
New Handcrafted Herbal Store Now Open
I am so happy to announce that I have officially opened an Etsy store selling handcrafted herbals that I have made myself. Most of these items I have been able to make from our own organic medicinal herb garden and some I have wildcrafted using sustainable practices. Also, there are a few herbs that I do not grow myself that I have gotten from certified organic herb farms. If you are interested in herbal medicine and all the benefits the plants, herbs, and flowers have on our health and well being, then check out my store, Rhonda's Handcrafted Herbals. You can access my store by finding the "Shop" link on the homepage. This link will take you there.
The Soothing Benefits of Corn Silk
Are you eating fresh corn on the cob this summer? One of my favorite summer foods is corn on the cob...I'm sure many of you feel like wise. Did you know that the corn silk inside the corn husks has medicinal benefits and can soothe the bladder and kidneys in times of infections and irritation?
Plantain and It's Many Uses
Have you ever heard of the herb Plantain? Maybe you have used it personally? I bet you, it's growing in your yard right now and knowing about the many uses for this medicinal plant could really help you in a time of need. Learn a few ways to use this plant and get to know it well, in case you need it someday.
Medicinal Herb Garden Tour
We were blessed to have such a beautiful soaking rain yesterday in PA and our garden looked so happy this morning. While out harvesting some of the herbs this morning, I decided to capture this moment for you when everything looked so glorious and magical with the luscious morning dew. Hope you enjoy!
Restorable Podcast Interview
My dear friend Jen Mininger., who is a gifted photographer and writer, recently interviewed me on her podcast, called The Hope Layer. If you would like to listen in, click the link below to take you there. In this interview, we discuss several ways to naturally decrease stress...and they're all free and can be started today.
Herbal and Flower Crown Wreath Tutorial
The spring and summer flower, herbs, and blooms are so abundant and beautiful right now! There are so many ways to use these glorious gifts from and medicine and pure enjoyment. One way I've been using these gifts the past few weeks is making flower crowns and wreaths. If you would like to learn how to make these lovely creations from nature's bounty, follow along with me as I show you on video how to create these fragrant and glorious additions to add beauty and an aromatic touch to your home, garden parties, and of course a lovely gift to give to others!
St. John's Day and St. John's Wort
Today is known as St. John's Day, which is always remembered on June 24th every year. This day marks the mid summer day...a midpoint between harvesting and planting. It is called St. John's Day because the early Christians and Christians today honor this day as the birth of John the Baptist, the saint that baptized Jesus in the Jordan river. John the Baptist is said to have been born 6 months after Jesus's birth, which is why this day is celebrated on June 24th.
Birch Tree Medicine in the Spring
The birch tree has so many gifts to offer us...its healing and rejuvenative sap in the spring, its aromatic bark, and its cooling leaves that help the rivers of life to flow properly and easily throughout our bodies. This tree is truly a gift from our Creator in so many ways!
Happy Mother's Day to all of You Beautiful Ladies
Happy Mother's Day to all of you beautiful ladies! Today, is a day to celebrate the love and life you have been given and have given to your precious ones!
Loving Your Liver- Why it is so Important!
I’ve been talking quite a bit about our liver lately and its importance in our overall health and wellbeing. Being aware of this important organ is so crucial right now, especially in the spring when this organ is working overtime for us after the winter months. Our liver sits directly under our right ribcage and is a very important member of the immune system. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver is responsible for the flow of “chi” or energy and was considered to “house the soul” and also called the “seat of life.” The name liver derives from the Anglo Saxon verb, which means “to live.” Our liver definitely helps us to live, we cannot live without one for sure. The health of our liver can also determine how long we live and how healthy our lived days on earth will be.
Wild Mustard and Field Garlic-More Delicious Wild Green Blessings
Have you been seeing these 2 wild herbs growing around you lately? Field Garlic has been growing now for well over a month here in our area but Wild Mustard is just now in full bloom and its bright yellow color can be seen blanketing fields, roadsides, waste places, meadows, and gardens.
The Beauty of Nettles, Cleavers, and Burdock Root in the Healing Process
Stinging Nettles and Cleavers are 2 very useful and important herbs in healing our bodies. Both of these herbs are blooming right now in the springtime. You can sometimes find both of them growing close together in wild places. Let’s start with learning a little more about Stinging Nettles first. This is one of my favorite herbs…I have many favorites but seriously, Nettles is one of those special herbs that has so many uses and powerful properties.
Creating a Dandelion Meal (Video)
Would you like to know more about the versatile ways to use dandelions in your backyard? Welcome to my kitchen as I get creative in a video creating a meal out of dandelion that is chock full of nutrients, liver and blood purifying, fun, and delicious! Who ever said "weeds" can't be beautiful??
The Beautiful and Healing Viloet
Do you love violets like me? Their beautiful purple blooms springing forth in the spring carpets the ground in a glorious way! I love to go violet picking in the brings such joy to my soul! I use these sweet flowers in a variety of enjoy with food and to use medicinally. To find out more about these lovely petite flowers and enjoy a few recipes, click link :)
Spring Wild Edibles
Did you know that some of our everyday herbs, known as “weeds” to most people, are edible and have many medicinal properties within them? We’re going to discuss 3 common spring herbs today that fit both of these descriptions of edible and medicinal....dandelion, chickweed, and purple dead nettles. Join me:)
Frankincense and it's Many Healing Compounds
Frankincense is obtained from the resinous sap that oozes out of the Boswellia tree when the bark is respectfully cut. The sap that leaks out of the cut bark is allowed to harden and then scraped off the trunk in tear shaped droplets. This resin is edible and can be chewed like gum for oral care, ulcers, and for general physical and mental well-being.
The Beautiful, Medicinal, and Edible Magnolia
Magnolias are such a gorgeous tree with their amazing large blooms that are sweetly scented…they are such a marvelous display of spring. Their magical floral fragrance is like no other I have ever experienced. When I was picking the magnolia blossoms this morning, I felt like I was in another world…in another dimension deep inside an enchanting world of magnolia blooms! Magnolias symbolize dignity and nobility. In ancient China, they were thought to be the perfect symbols of female beauty, innocence, and gentleness
Mullein as a Lung Supporter
Mullein, latin name: Verbascum Thapsus is sometimes called Jupiter’s staff, Jacob’s staff, Aaron’s rod, lamb’s ears, bunny’s ears, flannel leaf, cow’s lungwort, Lady’s foxglove, velvet plant, woolen blanket herb, hare’s beard, and many more…in fact up to 40 different names that this plant has been commonly been named over the centuries. Mullein is a plant that lives for about 2 years (biennial).
Herbal Steam Inhalation Therapy for Congestion and Purification
Herbal steams are very helpful for relieving nasal and sinus congestion, sore throat, dry irritating coughs, and blocked or stuffy ears. They have been used for many years to aid those suffering with any type of respiratory congestion or irritation.
Forsythia and it's Powerful Medicinal Potency
Did you know that the beautiful sunny forsythia flowers are edible? Forsythia stands for spring sun and anticipation. After months of winter, we are all anxious to have more sunny days. The forsythia, with its lovely bright yellow flowers is a beautiful reminder that spring has sprung. Being one of the first spring flowers to open, its dazzling blooms are a picture of sunshine
Nutritional Recommendations During the Coronavirus Pandemic
This virus strain, known as the Coronavirus is categorized as a cold/damp type of pathogen in TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine. What does this mean exactly? According to TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, a cold and damp body constitution is seen as having slow circulation and metabolism and with an excess amount of fluid secretions in the body, especially phlegm or mucus
It Is Well With My Soul
This article is being written in the midst of the Cornavirus date, Sunday, March 15th, 2020...our world seems to be in turmoil and fear. This hymn "It is Well With My Soul" has come to my mind and heart often over the many years of my life, when I myself have gone through trials and turmoil, and it comes to me again during this time of a pandemic in our country. This hymn is a reminder that we can still have peace and comfort in the Lord, even in trials and tribulations. Also, I was able to capture a video of my parents (in their 80's) singing this song)...what a treasure!
Tapping a Birch Tree
Did you know that you can tap a birch tree for birch water in a similar way as you would tap a maple tree? Birch water is a clear liquid that flows from birch trees in the spring before the leaves bud. When the nights and days are both above freezing, in late February or March, is the time to tap a birch for its nourishing liquid.
Happy Valentine's Day 2020
Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you! I want to wish you all a day of Love and to let you know once again that you are all so special! I’m so thankful for all of you, for your support, for your love, and for being you! I know this day of Valentine’s Day can be a joyful day for some and it can also be a day of great grief. If this is a day that you feel alone, please remember that this day is also a day to give yourself love and to give love and show appreciation to those that are special to you in your life…whoever that may be.
Health Tips for Cold, Flus and Fevers (Video)
In this video, I will share some health tips on what you can do if you get a cold, flu, or fever. Join me for some old fashioned Naturopathic and Herbal wisdom and information.
Winter Wellness Tips and Flu Prevevention (Video)
In this video I will explain how to keep your body healthy in the winter, and in all seasons of the year. I will briefly discuss how to keep your organs of elimination working properly and show you a few herbs and supplements to have on hand to increase immune and circulatory function. This video blog also has several links to recipes and articles to educate you further on some of the topics discussed in this video.
New Year's Prayer
Several years ago, my dear brother Dan, gave each of our family members prayer cards. The one that spoke to me the most was one from St. Patrick. I keep it beside my bed and each morning when I wake up, I try to read it before I step out of bed and meditate on the words, even if it's just a few minutes. Doing this reminds me what is truly important and shifts my attitude....from hurry to a sacred intention for my day ahead. This prayer always reminds me that God is always my comfort, protector, truth, friend, constant companion, and Savior. When I read this prayer this morning to bring in the new year, I was drawn to share it with you. In this world today, we all need more comfort, peace, and love, and to know that we are never alone.
Welcoming in the New Year...a New Beginning of a New Decade!
"No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas, this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one! ~C. JoyBell C.
Merry Christmas to You With Love and Gratitude!
Today is Christmas Eve and I want to wish all of you a wonderful and blessed Christmas and holiday season! Thank you all for your support and please know that I am beyond humbled and grateful for every moment I have had the blessing of sharing with you...whether in person, online, or through letters. My prayer is that each one of you will have a special blessing this year and that each of us has the chance to see how life is truly beautiful and a true gift...the tears, smiles, sorrows, and joys are apart of all of our lives but each moment will forever be apart of who we are.
Learn About Equine Therapy and How It Can Be Healing For Trauma and Stress
This blog post, I have the pleasure of interviewing Meagan Good from Take Heart Counseling in Mohnton, PA. Take Heart Counseling is an equine assisted therapy for individuals dealing with stress, loss, trauma, addictions, grief, and other forms of emotional and spiritual pain. Watch the video of our interview together at her lovely farm...and meet her 3 beautiful horses that are instrumental in healing others hearts and spirits.
The Role Adaptogens Play for Our Bodies During Times of Stress
Today, we will continue our series on measures we can take during stress and learn what Adaptogens are and how they can help our bodies in times of stress and overwhelm.
Helpful Food Choices For Stress and Adrenal Health
With this being Thanksgiving week, I thought it may be a good time to send out an article about how our food choices can be a helpful part of stress recovery. I know this is a week that most of us will be eating many types of different foods and possibly eating more than usual, so I thought it best to send out an article about how our food choices can be healing to our overly stressed bodies.
How Forest Bathing Can Calm and Heal Our Minds and Nervous Sytems
“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul” ~John Muir What do you think and feel when you see or go into the forest? What kind of emotions does this wondrous place of tranquility and solitude evoke for you? Today, we are going to see how being in the lush deep green atmosphere of a forest can bring healing to you and calm your nervous system. Have you ever heard of forest bathing? Forest bathing is just what it sounds like…bathing yourself in the healing atmosphere of the forest.
How Nature Can Heal and Calm Us
“Nature is not only all that is visible to the eye…it also includes the inner pictures of the soul” ~Edward Munch The article I have written for you today is the first tool (and free) to utilize for stress reduction…being in nature. Spending time in nature has been shown to lower cortisol levels in our bodies. If you remember from yesterday’s article, cortisol is a stress hormone secreted by our adrenal glands when our body is ready to go into fight or flight mode. This hormone gets our body to be on alert of possible danger and gets us ready to take action if needed.
What is Stress and How Does It Affect Us?
I wanted to do an article on stress for some time now. Stress is something we all deal with today. I know what it feels like to be stressed…my belly tightens, my heart rate increases, I get jittery, my breathing becomes shallow, my face gets hot…sound familiar? With the holidays quickly approaching us, I thought it might be a good time to start this series. Although the holidays are a special time, they can provide a source of stress for a lot of us. My prayer is that you will be able to utilize these next few articles and helpful tools to your ability in your healing journey.
What Does Beautiful Healing Journey Represent?
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty” ~ Maya Angelou When I read this quote by Maya Angelou, it reminds me of the reason why I named my business “Beautiful Healing Journey.” Our journey of healing certainly does not feel very beautiful most of the time while we are going through the process. Sometimes it can feel down right terrible, full of despair, ugly, raw, and painful.
The Healing Art of Forgiveness
Did you ever hear the quote, “Unforgiveness is like drinking poison yourself and waiting for the other person to die?” What is this powerful quote saying? I believe it means that when we have unforgiveness in our hearts, the anger, resentment, hatred, and bitterness towards another is affecting us much more deeply than whom we have unforgiveness towards.
The Health Concerns of Burning Commercially Scented Candles
Burning candles can be such a comforting experience and their beautiful illumination is captivating! They light up dark places and their flame is so intriguing as it flickers and glows, along with their fragrant aroma bringing such a homey feel to our homes. Now the down side, unfortunately…if you’re burning store bought scented candles, these sources of wonder and beauty can be bringing along with them some real health concerns. I know this is upsetting to hear...
Are Your Skin Care and Body Care Products Safe or Toxic?
Did you know that what we put on our skin gets absorbed into our blood stream? Your body drinks in everything. Using nontoxic ingredients in all of our skincare and cleaning supplies is another very important step we can take to achieve optimal health. In the world we live in today, we must be cautious with everything we apply to our skin and breathe in while we’re using our cleaning supplies. Most of our cleaning supplies also comes in contact with our skin.
Keeping Our Inner Flame Burning Brightly So We Can Be A Healing Light To Others In Their Time Of Need
“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” ~Albert Schweitzer This saying by Albert Schweitzer touched my heart when I read it. So many times, in our lives we may feel down or discouraged when we go through challenging times. This happens so often when we receive a diagnosis of a particular illness or go through health challenges. We feel like the life itself has been sucked from us and the fire within us is dwindling.
3 Supplements to Have on Hand if Someone in Your Home is Under the Weather
Happy September to all of you! I am amazed at how quickly the summer is passing by and the days are now becoming a little cooler and shorter. I am always somewhat sad when summer comes to an end but I am thankful that every season has beauty and uniqueness in its own way. It is a beautiful time of year approaching, with the change of the season. As the summer turns into fall and then winter, some of these weather changes can be challenging to our immune system. The start and duration of school/ college appears to be a time when our children start coming home with all kinds of cold, bugs, and flu-like symptoms, and then can then get generously passed to the rest of the family. I thought this may be the perfect time to send out a brief article on what you should have at home in case someone in your home is exposed to illness or becomes ill.
5 Important Steps to Take in Healing from Autoimmune Disease, Chronic Infections, and Chronic Diseases Such as Cancer
I have seen many clients over the last 17 years that I’ve been in practice that had numerous health challenges. During this time, I’ve educated myself about many protocols and different techniques for helping others in their own healing process. This article is meant to provide you with hope that healing is possible, along with education and empowerment. Our bodies are designed to heal if given the proper tools of nutrients, detoxification, and healing from our emotional and spiritual wounds. Remember that each of our healing journeys are going to be different and may require other steps to be taken in addition to these specific 5 steps I will be discussing today. This purpose of this article is to give you a brief introduction on these topics, but keep in mind that these topics may need to go into much more detail and fine tuning depending on each person’s situation. Each one of us is unique and there is no one like you or me, meaning that each of us will need a different protocol based on our specific story, chemistry, and complete make up. These 5 topics that I will be discussing today with you are the top ones I typically start with a client before implementing other healing modalities. Let’s start by learning the first step in healing:
Journaling and It’s Benefits to Our Soul
The intention of this article is to inspire you to use journaling as a tool for healing your life and to manifest your dreams. Keeping a journal is like an act of self-love and a way to discover who you truly are, layer by layer. Journaling is a way to take a transformational inward journey to discover what we hold within ourselves…our emotions, feelings, dreams, secrets, desires, beliefs, attitudes, and ambitions. Journaling is like a window into our soul, it can reach the deepest places within us that no one knows about, sometimes even ourselves, until it comes out onto the paper.
How do Food Sensitivities Affect Our Health?
What Are Food Sensitivities/Allergies? Food sensitivities are estimated to affect up to 50% of the population and can cause a wide range of individualized symptoms from brain fog to unexpected diarrhea. Although the terms “allergy” and “sensitivity” are often used interchangeably, some sensitivities are not true allergies. Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to environmental triggers, causing tissue inflammation, organ dysfunction, and a long list of other troubling symptoms. Sensitivities may include true allergies, reactions that do and do not affect the immune system, and reactions that are usually caused by a compromised digestive system, such as Leaky Gut Syndrome. Both allergies and sensitivities can cause an immune system response, but allergies typically trigger immediate antibody reactions in the bloodstream, whereas sensitivities trigger slower responses within the cells. Another way to look at it is, while allergic reactions may be obvious and easy to track, such as wheezing and sneezing while walking through a freshly cut lawn, sensitivities to foods and environmental irritants may be more subtle and persistent.
What is a Herxheimer or Healing Reaction?
During a protocol for healing Lyme or any infectious process, adverse side effects may occur for some individuals. This is usually due to a herxheimer reaction. A herxheimer reaction is also called a healing crisis. This can happen when treating the infections in the body, such as gut infections, bacterial, viral, yeast/fungal, or the Lyme germ, co-infections, and spirochetes. These symptoms can occur because of a die off reaction of the endotoxins and infection microorganisms from the anti-microbials and other recommended therapeutic agents.
Dry Skin Brushing to Aid in Lymphatic Congestion
The body has several pathways to eliminate toxins; the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph, and the skin. Our skin is our largest elimination organ. The skin is also an overflow route for other routes of elimination if they are overloaded or malfunctioning (example; rashes, acne, boils, eczema). Almost 1/3 of all of our body’s impurities are excreted through the skin. Our body breathes through our skin. It absorbs oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide that is formed in our tissues. If our skin’s pores become clogged with dead skin cells and debris from toxicity and lymph stagnation, the skin becomes inactive. When this occurs, the functions of the skin become ineffective at removing toxic waste and the impurities remain stuck in the body. This can contribute to many chronic and degenerative diseases, as well as a chronic toxic state. Dry Skin Brushing can be used to accelerate the skin’s ability to eliminate the toxic waste that could otherwise stay trapped in the body.
The Health Concerns of EMF’s/EMR Electromagnetic Fields/Electromagnetic Radiation
What Are EMF’s? EMF’s are invisible areas or sources of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made technology. This radiation exposure has the potential for cellular and DNA damage to all living organisms. EMF’s are everywhere today and are present everywhere we go. We are being constantly bombarded with their negative frequencies! This constant exposure is affecting our health on a cellular level.
Epsom Salt Baths and Their Healing and Detoxifying Properties
By Rhonda Larson (Traditional Naturopath) We all come in contact with an endless amount of toxins, pollutants, impurities, and various poisons in our daily life today. These toxins can land on our skin, absorb into our bloodstream, tissues, and organs, and can get into our lungs through our breath. One way we can reduce our toxic exposure to these compounds is to take a detox or Epsom salt bath. Epsom salt baths are a very effective detox tool for the excretion of toxic material that is present in our bodies. Our skin is highly porous and by adding minerals, like magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salts) to your bathwater, it provides a reverse osmosis like process to occur. This process pulls salt out of the body and dangerous toxins along with it.
I am now a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner!
Summer greetings to you! I pray you are having a blessed summer and enjoying the beautiful warm, sunny days. I wanted to send out a hello and to apologize that I haven’t posted an article lately. For the past year I have been advancing my studies to become a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (CFMP) and I am happy to say that I am now finished and have received my new degree. Since my studies are now completed, I will be able to regularly post more health based educational articles for you.
Why Are So Many People Gluten Sensitive These Days?
It seems like there are so many individuals dealing with gluten sensitivity or Celiac disease today. Why is this happening and how do you find out if you are dealing with this issue yourself? My goal for you is to find the answers to some of these questions surrounding gluten and to empower you to make dietary choices that are healing and nourishing to your specific constitution and nutritional needs.
Are Parasites Affecting Your Health?
Almost everyone living today has some form of parasite infection. Dr. Todd Watts (known as the parasite doctor) states that if you have a pulse, you have parasites. A bit of a humorous saying but certainly one to get all of our attention! Please read the following article and find out how these critters can make a home inside of us and what kind of havoc they can create.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you! This is a very sacred time of year for sharing our faith, communion with others, and stillness and contemplation of another year that has almost passed yet again.
Online Dispensary Now Available
Hello all you wonderful Beautiful Healing Journey subscribers! I wanted to let you all know that there is an online dispensary store available now on my website. This dispensary is through Wellevate and on it you can order many different types of herbal preparations, homeopathic remedies, whole food nutritional supplementation, probiotics, protein powders, organic essential oils, natural body care products, and so much more.
Our Microbiome: What Is It and How Does It Directly Affect Our Body and Mind?
Have you heard of the term Microbiome? Did you know that you have one inside you and that you cannot exist without it? This vast system inside us can determine our health and longevity like no other system in our bodies. I would like to take you on a journey of your microbiome that resides within you. As you read this article, try to visualize this beautiful and complex system inside you and how it is functioning even though you are mostly unaware of what’s going on inside this amazingly inner ecosystem that you carry around with you every day.
Leaky Gut Syndrome and GI Health
Hello to all you lovely people! I wanted to send out an educational article on the importance of our GI tract health. Most of the individuals I have seen over the years are dealing with an underlying gut issue that is showing up in many different health concerns as well as mysterious symptoms of an unknown origin. Asking many targeted questions and doing specific testing on my clients has shown that our GI system is compromised in many of us and is an underlying factor in many disease processes. Today, I want to educate you on a term called Leaky Gut Syndrome. This is a syndrome that is at the root of many health issues today. This article is meant to give you some detailed information into what this syndrome is, how it can start, symptoms of this syndrome, testing for GI health issues (including leaky gut), and how I go about working with an individual in healing this vitally important system of the body. Please check out the Coconut Kefir Recipe under the Recipes section. This is a healing and restorative recipe that can be consumed for GI healing benefits.
Breast Health Series- How Our Emotions Affect Our Breast Health
Today we will discuss how our breasts are deeply tied into our emotional health and some ways to heal those deep emotional pains that have caused physical barriers to our healing. Think about where your breasts are located on your body. They are located right in front of your heart area, the same heart that holds so many emotions, feelings, dreams, passions, aspirations, strength, and love. Your heart is a safe and treasured place that is a deep ocean of memories, emotional scars and wounds, and beauty that is tied together to represent the unique creation of you.
Breast Health Series- 5 Screening Tools for Breast Health
Screening Tests for Breast Health Today in our breast health series we’re going to discuss some tests that can be very helpful for monitoring your health. These tests are valuable because they allow you to take a proactive approach to your health and well-being and give you a preventative look into your body before a health issue takes place. Remember before a lump or a bump is diagnosed, it has probably been growing in your body for 8-10 years. One cancer cell to a tumor takes about 10 years. It did not just show up overnight. You don’t just catch cancer like you do a virus or flu. It takes years to develop.
Breast Health Series- 6 Powerhouse Foods That Support Breast Health/ Article 2
One of my favorite quotes when it comes to food is the very famous quote by Hippocrates, (known as the founder of medicine) which states, “Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” This quote sums up very well how we can heal our body from eating foods that have abundant healing and medicinal properties. Another famous and pertinent quote to this topic is from Benjamin Franklin, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” According to the dictionary, this is stating that it is easier to prevent something from happening in the first place than it is to repair the damage after it has occurred. The foods we eat and foods we choose not to eat can make a huge impact in our healing journey. In today’s article, you will learn about 5 foods that have plentiful healing properties and are breast cancer preventatives. Also, I have included many recipes that you can make to incorporate some of these cancer preventative foods into your healing journey.
Breast Health Series- Breast Detoxification Article 1
This special series on breast health is to honor all the women who have dealt with breast cancer, dealing with breast cancer currently, and women who would like to know some healthy strategies on how to maintain breast health. The month of October is known as Breast Cancer Prevention month and I want to encourage and empower all of us women to look at this month as more of a breast health awareness lifestyle. I am not a medical doctor and I am not a breast expert but I am a health practitioner that has had special training in the prevention and care of those who are dealing with cancer and chronic health issues. I have also counseled many women over the last 15 years dealing with breast cancer, healing from breast cancer, and also women who want to prevent it because of having a genetic tendency towards it. First of all and most importantly, I am a woman just like you that wants more than anything to be healthy and to feel empowered by having the facts about our breasts and knowing how to properly take care of them and the rest of our body.
Love's Many Blessings
Happy Valentine's Day to all you lovely people! I wanted to send a message out to everyone about the healing benefits of Love. First of all, a beautiful and heartfelt quote from a poet who expresses so well how love can deeply affects our hearts. "I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way than this: where I does not exist, nor do you, so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep" Pablo Neruda
Flu Prevention and Flu Care
The flu is no fun and it's that time of year when it is going around like mad fire. I wanted to send out some information for everyone about flu prevention and what to do if you come down with the flu. I'm going to do the prevention and therapeutic intervention together...some doses and changes will be made if you have the flu. Remember, you should start homeopathic and herbal remedies at the very beginning of symptoms to have the quickest recovery. READ ON...
Adverse Childhood Experiences- ACE Study
The stress of childhood trauma releases hormones that can physically and mentally change a child’s developing brain. Children with overwhelming stress live much of their life in fight or flight mode, which can alter and stress their mental and emotional development. Being in this mode also puts an individual in sympathetic dominance, which stresses their endocrine glands and immune function. Most children that have endured and experienced trauma see the world as a place of constant danger. If not dealt with and properly healed from these traumas, children take these fears and anxieties into their adulthood.
Dirty Dozen / Clean Fifteen Foods
What is the dirty dozen and clean fifteen food list? This is a list put out every year by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). EWG performs a series of tests required by the US Department of Agriculture. The results are that nearly 70% of 48 types of conventionally grown produce are polluted with pesticide residues.
Juicing - The many benefits
Fresh juices break down diseased tissues in the body and clean out old debris from cells and tissues that are lacking oxygen and vitality. It then restores new cells to a vibrant and oxygen rich state. Fresh juice also assists in proper drainage of the cleansing organs, including the liver, colon, and kidneys. It also helps in cleansing the bloodstream, lymph, and skin.
Liver Support
You cannot live one day without your liver functioning. The liver is the most regenerative and resilient organ in the body. Most livers will regenerate and regrow after a diseased portion is removed.
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Unpurified drinking water, cosmetics, commercial cleaners, chlorine bleach, fertilizers, lumber, tattoos, broken thermometers, fabric softeners, large fish and shellfish, dental amalgam fillings, vaccines, latex and oil based paints, bleached flour, dyes, inks, exhaust fumes, air conditioner filters, floor waxes, soft contact lens solutions, coal burning and other forms of air pollution, etc…
Bone Broth
Bone broth is made from slow cooked bones from healthy, pasture fed animals, vegetables, and filtered water. It is slow cooked at a low temperature in a crock pot or roast pan in the oven for 12-24 hours. The slow cooking process releases the minerals and nutrients from the bones and vegetables into the water or broth.
Benefits of Ghee
Ghee is one of my favorite fats to use for cooking, sautéing, and roasting! It definitely enhances the flavors of whatever you’re cooking with, such as meat, vegetables, or starches. It gives food a rich, delicious, nutty, and mouthwatering taste.
Castor Oil Packs
Castor Oil has a long and very interesting history of being used as a healing agent for thousands of years. Castor oil, also known as Palma Christi, because its leaves resemble the hands of Christ, has quite an impressive and extensive background worldwide.
Coffee Enemas
I can’t tell you how many times over the years that I have sat across from a client and strongly encouraged them that doing a coffee enema would powerfully benefit their health. The looks that I have received and comments they give me are usually some of embarrassment, humor, or plain old disgust.