This all- natural soft scrub recipe consists of only 3 ingredients (4 ingredients if you add essential oils) and it works extremely well. You can use this to replace the commercial brand soft scrub that has many unpleasant and toxic ingredients. Use this cleanser to clean your sink, stove top, tile, grout, pots and pans, concrete, stainless steel, granite, and glass. Do not use on untreated/ unsealed wood or granite and marble.

Grab a sponge and start scrubbing away!



1 Cup baking soda

½ Cup of 100% Castile soap or 1/3 Cup of Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds

2 TBSP water

20 drops lemon, lavender, or tea tree essential oil

Mix all ingredients together with a wooden spoon and store in a glass mason jar.




Update:Are Your Skin Care and Body Care Products Safe or Toxic?
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