EVOX - How It Works

EVOX Perception Reframing

EVOX biofeedback testing is looking into your emotional/spiritual traumas and perceptions made around those traumas or challenging events.

ZYTO EVOX uses your voice as the indicator of perception (VOX is Latin for voice). During an EVOX session, the computer will record and track subtle energetic qualities in your voice.

With EVOX, you are placing your hand on a hand cradle, like you would with the ZYTO test. As you are using the hand cradle, you are talking and using your voice to express past events, phobias, traumas, people involved with those specific events. You can also do an EVOX around body image or yourself, examples would be: difficulty forgiving yourself or having a hard time loving yourself, or changing your own personal perceptions around an event or trauma.

You can see all of the emotions attached to that specific event or trauma or whatever you are working on because all of the frequencies are embedded in our voices when we speak about a challenging time in our life. EVOX can be compared to emotional acupuncture and perception reframing.

EVOX uses the voice and its patterns to pick up specific frequencies that are involved regarding that stressful event, person, or trauma. It then converts it into a homeopathic like energy that delivers it to the hand electrode, while listening to healing music, EVOX uses your own voice frequencies to shake the subconscious emotional conflicts out of your cells, which can be causing disease in the body.

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